I'm using this MOD on my forum, but if user use a LOT of [item] tags (one of my user wrote a nice Druid guide and use 33 tags in one post), the page get loading TOOOO SLOOOOOOOOW (more than 30sec).
What's wrong? I thing, if the items are cached in my DB, the mod should never connect to wowhead again due to collecting information about items, right? Because they are already cached in DB.
BTW: After 14 days my item_cache table have about 12MB
Forum is hosted on professional hosting company with excelent servers. Database is really fast and some friend using the same hosting for so HUGE database with HIGH BW and the don't have problems like i have.
So, any ideas what's wrong?
Is there any way to integrate some function for LIMINT numbers of [item] TAGs in one post?
Thanks a lot for help