Embryo Legislation?
Recent story as you probably already know.
1. Should your government legislate how many embryos a physician can implant in a woman during one session?
2.What are the ethicals boundries of a physician?
3. What should parental requirements be? Successful job, dual parents.....
4. Is this healthy for a woman and neonates?
My answers
1. and 4. Yes for health reasons of both the mother and the neonates
2. The boundries of a physician should be guided by health based decistion. Implanted 8 embryos is NOT safe. This physician should be sanctioned at a minimum.
3. Absolutely. No one on public assistance should be allowed IVF. No one with a past serious criminal record (serious felonies of course) No one who is NOT a citizen of the respective country.
Tawk amungst yaselfs