I have your older version of phpfox 1.6.20 and vbulletin integration. I want to upgrade to the new version of the integration. Do I uninstall the the plug-in from vbulletin admin? What about the phpfox side? and then install the new integration plug-in?
I have some questions:
1. I have some forum that are only availabe to admins, when admins opens a new topic in that admin only forum section, the new forum topic shows up on phpfox side to everyone. So then if a non-admin user clicks on the new forum topic from phpfox (NEW FORUM TOPICS) they get an message that says that they don't have access to this topic. How do I remove non-admins to view latest topics that are posted in admin only section of the forum?
2. When I delete a user from phpfox side, my users don't get deleted in vbulletin. Do I have to delete them manually?
3. I am using joomla for CMS and I want users to be able to login from anywhere in the site. Vbulletin, phpfox, joomla, and other static pages. I want to use
this mod and place it on top of all pages on my site. Is there a better way? What can I do to allow users to be able to login on top of any page on my site?
Thanks a lot already.