Tips & Tricks Using Template Variables:
While the Helpful Answers section may appear to only add to a small part of your post it can be used much more extensively to change the color of an entire post, to add a special icon or just about anything else you like. Here are list of the variables available for your templates and a few sample conditions you can use with them:
$post[totalrank] - The total number of ratings
$post[goodrank] - The number of good ratings
$post[badrank] - The number of bad ratings
$post[helpfulgood] - True if the post is positive overall (more good than bad ratings)
$show[rate_helpfulanswer] - True if the user can rate the post (false if they are banned or have rated it).
$post[helpfulanswerid] - True if the user has already rated the post.
Future Updates:
I'm pleased with this addon so far but plan to extend it as feedback comes in so please share your comments and suggestions as they will be read and responded too.
Coming soon... A page showcasing your top 10 (or 20 or 30 or 100) posts.