Site Name: Free Realms Forums
Description: Full user support and fan based discussion about the new game from SOE, Free Realms.
Reason for Nomination: Free Realms is designed and published by SEO, a huge MMORPG publisher behind such titles as EverQuest and Star Wars Galaxies. Free Realms is their first attempt at a free to play MMORPG and so far it looks great! Free Realms caters to the younger, more casual crowd than their older games. While the game will emphasis social interaction, combat is not forgotten. Free Realms will have at least 11 playable classes and 2 races; Human and Pixie. Besides player housing and the ability to raise pets, players will be able to send each other videos, pictures, links and messages. The graphics are colorful and appealing to all ages and knowing SEO, Free Realms is bound to have great character customization. This site discusses Free Realms and tries to give support to all players of Free Realms. We are one of the newest communities on the web!