Originally Posted by lasto
But the difference is,the person does`nt say `well i killed them because i was under the influence of a benson and hedges cigarette` do they ?
You can legally Drive while smoking a cigarette,the same cant be said for smoking a reef - wonder why that is.
You shouldn't drive under the influence. Ever. That's not using it responsibly. Same exact thing with alcohol. There's absolutely no justification for it, ever.
You're entitled to your opinion, and I respect it as yours. I am able to see the millions of lives lost due to commercial cigarette smoke as apposed to the amount of deaths caused by marijuana. I am able to see the millions of lives lost due to drunk drivers as apposed to marijuana. That's what I'm trying to get across as my point.. It's pretty harmless.. when compared to what else is out there, and I think that we should be putting our time and money into something that is a much larger concern to human life.
I would vote to legalize cannabis, and make tobacco illegal. 100%. In a heart beat. No second thoughts. I believe that far less lives would be taken, even considering that not everyone will use it responsibly.
Cannabis smoke should not be legal publicly, and neither should tobacco smoke. People should absolutely not be allowed to smoke in front of their children. That makes me so sick to my stomach, I can't even imagine what is going through their heads when they do it.