Originally Posted by lasto
But the difference is,the person does`nt say `well i killed them because i was under the influence of a benson and hedges cigarette` do they ?
You can legally Drive while smoking a cigarette,the same cant be said for smoking a reef - wonder why that is.
I agree with you Lasto, The Police in the UK take just as serious a people driving under the influance of drugs as they do alcohol, Great thing about cannabis is that it stinks and you can smell it a mile away.
The Mental Health Issue is also a worrying fact, especially since its been proved in the UK that Cannabis is responsible for a good majority of people that have mental health issues and have are still are smokers of cannabis.
Just like alcoholics, they will never admit to having a habit or a problem to them everyone else is at fault not them. Like you lasto, I know people whose lives have been changed by cannabis, One was a good school friend of mine that now i want nothing to do with him, He stole from his grandmother to fund his habit and spend a good portion of the earlly 1990's in and out of prison for such petty things. Such a shame