Originally Posted by queenzeal
The comment was intended to be somewhat sarcastic. Of course it's in English, just as "I'm 2 culz to use proper gramarz" is in English. The point is that it's just not very good English. Let me quote your post again:
Try They're. And what is the pronoun 'them' supposed to be referring to? And what does "just mess till they get a hit" mean?
Actually, when I first read that, I thought you were talking about phpBB users - that you were saying "most of them use scripts or code from Boards and just mess till they get a hit". I didn't have a clue what that meant and assumed that it was just belligerence towards phpBB on your part.
Rereading it, though, I think I may have misinterpreted it the first time. It looks what like what you, in point of fact, were referring to weren't phpBB users, but rather, script kiddies of the kind that conducted the attack. If that's correct, then I apologize - my condescension was due to my thinking you were being condescending to the victims - not to the attacker.
I was referrin to the script kiddies who did the hacking not the actual PhpBB board.
I speak better english than i type it - thats for sure and thats all that matters