Originally Posted by FullyTested
First of all I assume (we all know what that means  ) that if one is capable of installing this mod, then one is also capable of opening the readme file in a text editor to read it. But, none the less, point taken and I shall convert it to html on next update.
Don't change it to HTML because one person complains.. I'm sure the bulk of people will prefer .txt, and will use a proper text editor that is capable of figuring out what EOL format has been used (
Notepad++ is one if anyone else has the same issue...).
Originally Posted by FullyTested
As for showing points, I'm afraid that is not what this mod is all about. It is not about gratifying ones gathering instincts but rather a way to find out (and display if you so wish) which members are actually contributing to your forum and which are wasting your bandwidth.
This type of post scoring system works very well on
Engadget, points IMHO don't add any value. Very good modification addition to vBulletin, I'll be having a play around today on my test forum