Originally Posted by lasto
You need to get a new book and study more.
How so? I ask because what you just posted is pretty much exactly what I have stated.. It's not good for you, and if consumed heavily there can be long term negative effects.
Paranoia, anxiety, panic, fear.. sure, those are all common side effects of a new smoker. The side effects pass, and they certainly don't become permanent. Just like alcohol.. I don't know about anyone else, but when I first started drinking.. I was very paranoid. I still do get paranoia, but for the most part, it has passed.
The "tar" that your quote speaks of is resin and it's... true. When Resin is smoked, it's usually when the smoker is in a desperate state of mind.. which isn't responsible to me, and that's something that I personally don't agree with. From my experience, the desperate smokers are the ones who get called "addicted".. the ones who seem unable to function without it. Addicted or not, they're uncommon too.. compared to say, alcoholics, pill poppers, etc.
Again, I'm not saying it's good for you.. but look at what else is out there that IS legal. Cannabis is just constantly slandered by silly rumors that have spread about to put fear into society.. "It's a gateway drug, it's addictive, etc" (which are both arguable), where as some of the most addicting drugs out there are perfectly legal.. Guess what is 100 times harder on your body, 100 times more addictive, and 100 times more of a gateway drug for Americans? Medical prescribed pain killers.
--------------- Added [DATE]1233600986[/DATE] at [TIME]1233600986[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by lasto
Ive yet to hear about anyone murdering someone because they where under the influence of a normal Cigarette.
For real? You haven't heard of the millions of people who currently suffer, or have died suffering from second hand smoke? Babies born addicted to nicotine, not fully developed, asthma, lung cancer, etc etc.
So a guy smokes a bowl before he commits a crime, and now that's WHY he did it.. Guess how many people smoked a cigarette before committing murder. I'll guarantee far more.. but I wouldn't blame the cigarette, just as I don't blame cannabis. I blame the person.. there's obviously far more mental issues going on in their head than most people could even fathom.