Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden
It would make more sense to ban alcohol then to ban marihuana.
IMO, it would make more sense to ban many other drugs over marijuana. Alcohol, Tobacco, Salvia, etc. etc.
Originally Posted by lasto
Ive had friends who started off smoking that crap and now they Drug Addicts.No longer friends either cause who wants someone,who would rob of their own family as a friend.
This is one of the most common myths about Cannabis. I have seen the same thing, but I blame it on the person and not the plant.
For most people, cannabis is a terminus drug, not a gateway drug. Users of high strength drugs such as heroin or LSD are also statistically more likely to have used cannabis in the past, but this is just toying with statistics; when comparing the number of cannabis users with hard-drug users, the numbers are extremely small - suggesting that there is no link at all.