Originally Posted by exyuteam
You have HELP and there is exsamples... First, you need to ENABLE this commands!
For ME - just type
[high] * msu2k SOME TEXT
and text will show - * YOUR_USERNAME Some Text
For SLAP it goes like this:
/slap uname USER_NAME or
/slap uid 12345 (if user ID = 12345 !!!!!)
and text will show like you defined in Command options....
Just click on HELP ....
click on arrows left from username and select desired action 
I figured it out. When I got to
MGC Chatbox Evo > Manage Commands I didn't realize that I needed to hit the GO button with "Quickly edit command permissions" selected. Doh! I just thought that dropdown enabled and disabled the commands. Now that I found the checkboxes, it makes total sense.