Upgrade guide for YABBSEO Lite v1.1:
Before you upgrade, you need know we have changed the product id of YABBSEO Lite to be "yabbseo" in v1.1(in v1.0 and v1.0.1, it was yabbseolite). So a product import from vBulletin CP will create a new product, not upgrading your YABBSEO lite v1.0 or 1.0.1.
So for upgrading YABBSEO v1.0 or v1.0.1 to v1.1, you can follow the following steps:
1. Disable the YABBSEO v1.0 or v1.0.1
2. Upload all scripts in YABBSEO v1.1 to your server to overwrite all of your old files.
3. Import the
product-YABBSEO-Lite.xml from vBulltein > Plugins.
4. If you have modified
yabbseo/data/config.php, you donot need upload the new config.php in the downloaded YABBSEO Lite v1.1 to overwite your modified config.php in the
step 2.
5. Check if YABBSEO v1.1 is working fine with your forum. If it is OK, you can delete YABBSEO v1.0 or 1.0.1 which is already disabled in
step 1.
Explanation of some sections of config.php:
GLOBAL Configuration in yabbseo/data/config.php:
absolutebburl: 1 or 0
1: your domain will be automatically added in all forum urls:
forum/f_id/t_id.html -> http://yourdomain.com/forum/f_id/t_id.html.
0: YABBSEO will detect the relative urls to be absolute one:
images/buttons/xxx.gif -> /forum/images/buttons/xxx.gif
301_redirect: 1 or 0
redirect_showthreadpost: 1 or 0
PHP Code:
array (
'script' => '',
'fragment' => 'goto_threadtools',
'query' =>
array (
'nojs' => '1',
The above options are the criterons to detect which urls to add "nofollow" attribute:
script: the php script name or html file name
fragment: the parts after #
query: an array which holds the parameters in the forum urls.
The above example will match the urls like this:
PHP Code:
array (
'"' => '',
'\'' => '',
The array holds the special chars and their correpondences in english to convert.
keyword_separator: - or _ or other symbol
The separator will be used to separator the keywords in static forum urls
PHP Code:
array (
0 => 'an',
1 => 'a',
2 => 'on',
3 => 'to',
This is an array to hold the common words you want to remove from the static forum urls.
redirect_externalurl: 1 or 0
PHP Code:
array (
0 => 'yabsoft.com',
1 => 'www.yabsoft.com',
2 => '',
This is an array to hold the urls which are not to be converted as above if redirect_externalurl is enabled, for example your friend sites.
post_parseurl: 0 or 1
If this option is enabled(=1), YABBSEO will try to parse all forum links by even query the database to get the information. By default, this is turned off: since YABBSEO can parse every normal forum links. Some links could not be parsed in rare cases: you use cite another dynamically thread url in your current thread, the cited dynamically url could not be parsed by default. But this will redirect to the static one after users click it.
Url Template Setting in yabbseo/data/config.php
PHP Code:
'template' =>
array (
'showthreadpage' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}-page{thread_page}.html',
'showthread' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}.html',
'showthreadnew' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}-newpost.html',
'showthreadpost' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}-p{post_id}.html#post{post_id}',
'forumdisplaypage' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/index{forum_page}.html',
'forumindex' => 'forumindex.html',
'forumdisplay' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}',
'member' => 'members/{username}.html',
'memberlistpage' => 'memberlists/{member_page}.html',
'memberlistltr' => 'memberlists/{letter}.html',
'memberlistltrpage' => 'memberlists/{letter}-{member_page}.html',
'memberlist' => 'memberlists',
The array holds the static url templates which be automatically loaded for the dynamical url according to its key: for example, the template
'forumdisplay' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}',
will be used for all dynamically urls of forumdiaplay.php.
You can modify the above templates to get your cutomised template, but you must be care about the order of templates. The order of templates in the array is just the order to match each static url: for example, a static forum url "f1-main-forum.html" is passed, YABBSEO will try to follow the order of templates in array to match the the url "f1-main-forum.html". Once one template(for example,f{forum_id}-{forum_title}) matches the url, the corresponding {forum_id} and {forum_title} will be extracted. But it is important to note that different orders may give the chances that the incorrect template matches the url before YABBSEO tries to use "f{forum_id}-{forum_title}" to match it.