Sorry to bother you again but I've ran into another problem.
Using the "app mover" while browsing the topic in order to Deny or Accept it is not working for me, well, it is partially working: I can assign forums and names for the radio buttons, I see the "Tool" while browsing the application topic and I can move the application, however - I am unable to select any but the first option to move to if you get what I mean?
(a simple grafic presentation of the problem)
*App Mover*
- Accept (this one works)
- Deny (I can't select this)
- Trash (I can't select this)
To work around this I could simply move all apps to the same forum and make sure to reply/change the subject or whatever but if you have the time I'd appreciate if you could have a look at this. The thought of being able to move the app to any destination just like that is thrilling ^^
I changed the input type to instead be a checkbox, by doing this I am now able to first click the option I want and then remove the automaticaly selected first option... It's slightly barbaric but it works, perhaps this is a clue that could help you sort this out? (or yes, might just as well be my set-up but if it's related to new changes in vB hope this helps ^^ )