Quick Update
Ok guys just a quick update on browser support and and a few specs which i'm sure you'll be deleghted with...
The menu's are fully compatible with every one of the leading browsers,
IE - v5: (Limited)
IE - v5.5,
IE - v6:
IE - v7:
IE - v8:
Firefox - All:
Mozilla - All:
Netscape - v6 & up:
Opera - v6 & Up:
Safari - All:
Goolge (Chrome):
The Code is 100% Pure CSS with optional JavaScript add-on's, now if your worried that a browser may have javascript disabled, fear not, as this is capable of functioning in browsers with their JavaScript disabled
The code is very easy to edit as its just pure CSS with each section identified, The menu links are simple HTML menu links and can have html mark up included, you won't get confused between the two.
For customised jobs and perhaps a different kind of menu, i can create a new one which will compliment your site, each one takes about 1 to 2 hours work, so a small donation would be appriacated

Just PM me and i'll help where i can.
Now everyone can have Top quality Dropdowns on their site