Originally Posted by Alex LD
The installation isn't organized very well and its confusing.....
But overall I like it and I appreciate that you made this I will change the color though I dont really like that blue :P
I'll mark as installed
Hi Alex,
I tried to be as simple as i could, there are only 3 steps to get this working on your site.
The Colors can be changed so esily, thats the beauty of it, i only made it blue to compliment the default style, but if you can do color changes using Hex numbers then you'll be able to change colors no problem.
1. Upload the Graphics to your server, Or image host account and add to the CSS code, which i've shown in the installation guide
2. Edit your Menu links and replace my ones with yours, Also shown in the guide above
3. Upload the entire code to the very end of your style's header template
Thats it
if you have any problems with any of it, let me know and i'll help where i can