Well this thing happened real in my life, There was a small family who rented out a small portion of my aunt's home and the woman in that family is a vegetarian and she dont use to eat meats and fish etc.. and she don't use to drink coffee or tea she only has milk in the morning and evenings.
But after sometime that lady started to behave strangely, she began to cook lots of meat everyday and started to eat chicken, mutton like crazy.. and she was always preparing black coffee at home and drank whole day.
My aunt kinda got suspicious, So she called a local ghost rider or whoever you call.. and he was made to see her. As soon as she saw him she started to react crazy and was running all over the streets then we caught her made to stay in a room and we started to inquire her then we came to know she was possessed by a spirit of a woman who died 1 year back near to my aunt's house and that woman had immense desire for food and especially meat so she caught this woman for some reason and began to use her to satisfy her desire.
She asked us to prepare her some special meals for her the next day so that she will leave this woman after having the food. We agreed and prepared many variety of food for her for lunch next day and she was eating the meat like crazy.. then after its over she requested us that she will stay in the body till evening and have some sleep and leave. But we dint agree and started to hit her and atlast she agreed and left her. The woman came back to normal after that. and she don't remember a thing which happened in between.
I am not making up this story this one is something that I really seen on my own eyes and its 100% real. I believe ghosts do exists and many do because they still have some desire left in the world or they are too much attached to certain things which prevents them from next birth. Sometimes these spirits realize that they have to accept death and as soon as they accept that they continue with their journey to next life but some spirits just dont accept that they are dead and continue to trouble other people.
But ghosts are not essentially bad, There are spirits which are good and which are very desperate to make contact with humans and share things and some spirits which are more aggressive and will give trouble to humans in some form.
so I will conclude with yes I believe in ghosts and they are real..