Okay people! I'm using Wordpress v2.7 and vBulletin v3.8.1. I will post my progress here as I'm doing it.
UPDATE 1: Installing the plugin
So far so good. everything went smooth. The installation instructions were straight forward. done with no problems. users mapped correctly....blog post posted to forum.
# Having login problems. Going to dashboard directly [
not logged in on vB] redirects to forums.
Solved - First
login to vB, then go to dashboard and you will be logged in automatically. If not first time, then open the wp-admin/ page again and you are in.
UPDATE 2: Applying VB Comments...
All instructions applied carefully. Comments posted in WP are not posted as posts in vB. Its a template issue and I am trying to fix it. will update here.
So here is the good news: The plugin works with the latest versions of both WP 2.7 and vB 3.8.1