Originally Posted by wottech
How hard do you think it would be to add 1 more program to the list if I supplied db information? I am talking about the CND Garage module ( http://cnd-systems.com/cnd_garage.php). I would be more than willing to help you out on the testing. Thanks!!
Not too hard, as long as that add-on installs into the vB-database and stores it's settings there. The new modulized code is quite straightforward.
What I need to know (I hope I don't forget too much

- Does the installation go into vB database only or can the user choose? If this was the case, that would complicate matters.
- What database prefix does the mod use, and can it be changed by the user?
- Can the URL path to the add-ons main index page be changed by the user or is it always the same (meaning the directory name as well as its relative position to the forums root directory)?
- Can the URL path to the add-ons data directory (where images are stored) be changed by the user or is it always the same (meaning the directory name as well as its position)
- If the installation goes into vB database and any of the above three is yes: is there a settings table where the corresponding values ara stored? What's it's name and how can the values be identified? (vB for example stores the setting information in settings table, identifieable by varname and the information in value.
- Next would be to identify the table where the uploaded images are stored. There I need imageid, userid, imagename and, if there are any categories, the category id.
- This leads to the question whether there are any categories or albums that could populate the albums choice dropdown and where they are stored. Are they global categories or created and owned by individual users? The mod can handle only one at a time.
- Last block: The structure inside the datadir. How does the mod save the uploaded images? Are there medium sized images? What are naming conventions, in what folders do they go?
Now, if one has some clue about php and mysql, the stuff in the config files is quite straightforward. It would not be too hard to write plugins for other products on the basis of the supplied config files. If anyone wants to try: go ahead. I'll happily include third party plugins into the distribution.