Amen Unicodermom,!
I'm so sick of this sheet also. The only person(s) that should be teaching children about sex are the parents! NOT on my tax dollar! A school board has NO business telling ANY child what is morally right or wrong, and expecially considering what freeks some of these educators are both in the classroom and personally. Yikes! Education in this country has gone from refined
education to an institution of perpetuating social agenda-mostly liberal. Additionally, our "educational" system has also become yet ANOTHER source of welfare for so many irresponsible parents who can't take care of the children they already have and continue to have more. There are some great teachers out there but unfortunatley they are being overshadowed but the nutjobs in this particular profession.
I had to move my family from California because the education was so bad and my only recourse were religious zealot schools at the cost of several hundred a month. Why should I have to double pay for my children's education? Hocks me off. Then I move to Connecticut and my children are so far behind it's pathetic but we caught up, but then had to move to Florida. OMG! Some of the teachers here???? Screaming, dropping the F-bomb frequently, coming to work high with the munchies, blood shot eyes...... My daughter did have several good teachers but they never stayed long.
All and all, if I had to do it all over again, sadly I would most certainly home school my children. THere is so much more to offer a child when home schooling.
"Can anyone tell I'm fed up? hahahahaha Its a shame that the schools can teach a child (even a failing child) to master the art of putting on a condom but yet the vast majority cant name the presidents of the united states. Priorities are WAY screwed up and to many agendas are screwing up the education system. They try and be moral police and what happens? The pregnancy rate goes UP not down. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!"