Originally Posted by Mike-D
Yep as I said: Sometimes it works and sometimes not. Also I found another strange thing inside the Usergroup Permissions: Please follow all permission boxes and you will see, that all permissions Buttons "() Yes () No" are kinda displaced with the permissions buttons of your current 2.51 version. This means that your permission Buttons are kinda displaced to the left side than others. It's just a small bug but I'm sure that has something to do with your Plugin "Quick Editor Usergroup Settings" in using the Hook "admin_usergroup_edit"! After installing the newest 2.51 version I noticed that some Setting Options are totally moved to the left side. The descriptions for the "Visible Buttons" on the right side does not fit anymore which results a Linefeed in some options which have not been before by using the same Phrases in German. After I deinstalled this version by installing the previous 2.01 and it works perfect
Right now I'm working to rewrite your AddOn with the Standard Usergroup Permissions via external XML File. And it seems that it works now as it should be without any getting displaced options. If you want I can upload a Snapshot so you can see about what I'm talking from 
Yes, it will be good if you take some snapshot of the problems for me and post to this thread.