Originally Posted by Mike-D
would you please integrate in one of your next version the regulary and Standard Bitfield Uergroup Permissions (bf->ugp) via XML File? Any min's ago I have installed the latest Quick Editor Improver 2.51 version and sometimes I get a Bitfield Collision Error Message. Sometimes your Addon works and sometimes not. The last 2.01 version runs strong so I think I would be the best to stay by this release for the time being. What do you think?
On first released I was used XML file for bitfield but I think this may less slow down the process and need to external files of course, while I ever try to develop plug-ins without need to caused travail of the user (webmaster) so I think when we obtain easy qualification to tap resources, it's can boost to them.
Beside, the products should at least without palpable problems and bugs, hence we must try to produce products without these clear problems.
When I disregard the details, I would from you to post that just error message to this thread, than I scrutiny that and symptom of it so I will may figure out that problem.
Finally, note that I never see any "collision error message" about bitfields, thus I can't induct this issue, so exhibit exact error message, may aid me to well untie that error.
Meanwhile are you sure you have deleted
/includes/xml/bitfield_quickeditor_improver.xml? It's maybe that problem depend on!
Thank you.