Originally Posted by MonkYZ
I tried, but didn't changed anything. The full screen button doesn't appear for youtube no matter what.
Anyway, in the meantime i've noticed that "The Escapist" (EscapistMagazine.com Videos) don't embedd anymore. Actually, the player appears, but there is no video, button, anything...
What does the
Replacement HTML in your YouTube definitions looks like? I'll have to look at The Escapist later.
Originally Posted by aspen1018
Can we get an xml for wmv that isn't for your local site
the old ame 2.0 had that and it worked great
Neither I nor The Geek ever had a definition for external WMV files. A RegEx for any site would be fraught with problems.
Originally Posted by Stryker412
I've only installed definitions from this thread.
Tried to import he master XML and got this error.
Can not save Import because of the following error(s):
* Some keys are empty
* Some keys contain invalid characters and must be validated prior to import.
Are you sure you tried the XML from this thread and not my other thread?
Originally Posted by satlazone
I'll add it to the list of sites to look at. (Okay, someone tell me how are they using the same music and premise of Two Hot Girls in the Shower with no actual shower?)