First of all I carefully read through every single post in this thread. I get the impression this software is fairly simple to use and the author is quick to be helpful and fix any problems that appear to pop up. I'm impressed so I'm going to give this a test drive at my anime forum before I submit it to my friend at my computer forum. So in light of that I have a couple of questions. Please keep in mind I am not a coder.
1st> At my anime forum I have a section to link to wiki's about anime series. It has 3 pics which when clicked on go to the thread where pics for the subject are posted. Below that is the link to the wiki page. And below that is a short description of the series. Here's an exsample >
Is it possible to do something like that by filling out a form and just have the answers to the questions show in a new thread with the series name as the header?
2nd> Is it possible to use this to do product reviews? Like what is it? Who makes it? Model number. Then the review with maybe pros and cons added to it below that.
Same general format for both it would be safe to assume. Thanks in advance for any help. And is the version in the lead post the lastest one?