Bug: The upcoming events on the forum home page sometimes loose the social group names and are no longer filtered appropriately.
If you installed 0.1.0 and completed the steps to add upcoming social events to your forum home page, follow these steps to resolve:
In functions_calendar.php, find:
PHP Code:
// Social Group Calendar **************************************************
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
$eventjoin = " LEFT JOIN (SELECT groupid, name FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."socialgroup) sg ON sg.groupid = event.socialgroupcalendar ";
$eventselect = ", event.socialgroupcalendar, sg.name as socialgroupname";
// Social Group Calendar END ***********************************************
Replace with:
PHP Code:
// Social Group Calendar **************************************************
$eventjoin = " LEFT JOIN (SELECT groupid, name FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."socialgroup) sg ON sg.groupid = event.socialgroupcalendar ";
$eventselect = ", event.socialgroupcalendar, sg.name as socialgroupname ";
// Social Group Calendar END ***********************************************