Originally Posted by wutthehell
I have tried everything. The fix in the bug list did not work for me. I am using 3.7.1, I downloaded the latest release of this... and I keep getting the Ajax error: An error has occured. Please report your admin. Then it just sits there in Loading status.
I am using IE7. Has anything come of this or is it just going to be handled in the next release...?
And you are getting the Ajax error ?? You shouldn't be getting it with 3.7.
Can you view page source in your browser and search for vbulletin_version ?
Please then copy the line here.
Originally Posted by exyuteam
Fixses WILL BE in the NEXT release.... We ALL waiting new version....  Ver. 2.1.0 NOT new version with bug fixses!
Which means ?
Originally Posted by Gamempire
yes, this is the error:
uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004003 (NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER) [nsIDOMHTMLTableSectionElement.appendChild]" nsresult: "0x80004003 (NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER)" location: "JS frame :: http://yui.yahooapis.com/combo?2.6.0...ntainer-min.js :: anonymous :: line 50" data: no]
Originally Posted by Gamempire
well, i tried to open it in ie, and it works!! it's only in firefox that it doesn't...how it is possibile?
before it worked..
i cancel all my cache, cookies and sessions..
And you are the only one having this issue ?
You seem to be using YUI as remote (loading javascript files from yahoo), have you tried with javascript retrieves locally ? It's a chatbox option.