Originally Posted by kevcj
Joomla is hacker bait. Installing that script is like posting a big sign that says "Please hack my site".
Some of the add-ons that you can download from the joomla site has been tagged as having known security flaws. But the joomla community still hands those files out like candy.
Awhile back the joomla developers did not want the script tied in with anything that cost money. SMF even dropped support for the joomla & smf bridge because of the stuff that the joomla devs were doing. I think this was about a year and a half ago. But the joomla community lost a lot of respect and support because of what they "thought" open source meant.
The joomla support forums are a joke. If you need help, instead of asking, get ready to beg for help.
The code is bloated and slow.
The list goes on and on.
I ran a joomla site for about 6 or 7 months. It was probably one of the worst experiences of my web site building career.
It's Joomla who dropped using SMF . Joomla always wanted to be open source based system, SMF is no more open source thats why they moved to Phpbb actually.
I did many joomla sites, Many clients are happy with Joomla . it's not actually that bad nor its slow actually depends on people, if one is in need of medium kind of site with some small traffic and community joomla is pretty good . but if you are targetting for making a big site why not invest money and hire a coder.
I have been on joomla from 4years now i never felt support forum so as u mentioned. I am now on my own for joomla modifications and all . Just takes a bit time but its worth running Joomla for small sites.