I think like the socialization excuse used for so many against homeschooling, the "it's the teachers' fault" excuse is overused as the reason to be against public schooling. There are many many many amazing teachers out there and to blame them for the state of the public school system is completely unfair.
Homeschooling is definitely not for everyone, some ppl excel in that environment while some are better off in the public school system. You have to find what works for you and your kids and go with it but you can't expect that everyone should do what you do just because it worked for you. Just because something has ALWAYS been done a certain way doesn't automatically make it the best and only way to do it for everyone for all eternity. Especially when you are talking about government run organizations that are on the bottom of the priority list. (No matter what some campaigning politician tells us)
The state that I live in is among the top 5 worst education states, there is no way in HELL that I would ever put my boys in the public school system here. It's not just the elementary and HS lvls either, even our University system is ranked among the lowest in the country. The whole education system needs to be re-evaluated and fixed. Although with everyone completely focused on the "economy" these days, educating our children in the public school system is definitely not on the top priority list for those in charge of it. At least with homeschooling I don't have to worry about funding being cut and my children missing out on some part of their needed education because the school doesn't have any money. *LOL*