I use Joomla on many of the sites I have designed. We use it for our school disctrict. My largest complaint about it is in the ACL, there is just no way at this time to control permissions and create usergroups but that is supposed to change in 1.6, it better or else I will be looking for a new option. There is a steep learning curve on the admin side of things but once you get it down it's a piece of cake to do just about anything with it. I love it but as it is with anything, there are some areas that really need improvement. With jfusion really cranking along it is definitely gonna make it even more powerful!!
However, if you are just designing a simple content site it is a bit overkill. If you are looking to have a lot of features and addons then I would definitely check it out. I will never use it for just a simple website.
As far as it being organized, I think it is well organized as there are really three main parts to it, components, modules, and articles. Each section is easy to use and navigate but again, that is once you get down what each of those are and how to use it!!