Windows 7 is based on the Vista core. No one is hiding that fact. Its internal version is even 6.1 (Vista is 6.0). The Vista core is a great and stable OS. This builds on that and adds some features that were removed from the original Vista OS plus refines others. Evolutionary software development vs. Revolutionary. Adapt and refine to be better for your customers.
You can make the taskbar smaller by right-clicking on it and choosing properties. Tell it to use small icons. You can make it look like Vista's if you set the Taskbar Buttons Options to "Combine when Taskbar is full. Can even bring back the old fashioned quicklaunch bar if you want.
There are more tips here:
As for application compatiblity issues as mentioned a few posts above, many companies have Windows 7 betas available on their websites. You can also right-click on its shortcut and tell it to operate in Windows Vista or XP compatibility modes through the properties dialog. You'll probably lose Vista specific functionality like quick peek on the taskbar but the software will run. I haven't found any applications that don't work either in 32-bit or 64-bit (when available) modes.
Only two issues that I have encountered are:
1) That the drivers for my HP network printer won't install. The installation software can't find the printer though everything else can. I just connected to it through a share on my Wife's Vista PC. Little bit of a workaround but works for now.
2) Skype 4 beta, won't ring my desktop speakers by themselves. I have to tell it to ring all devices.