Originally Posted by MikesSite
IDK if this was mentioned but I found a bug in photo_popup.php.
Line 408 - $origimg = $vb_url."./picture.php?albumid=".$array['albumid']."&pictureid=".$array['pictureid']."";
Remove the red period before /picture.php? or else original images will not load.
No, that's just plain wrong.
The line 408 of the
actual photo_popup-file reads:
The equivalent to the line you posted is in line 510 and reads
PHP Code:
$origimg = $vb_url . "/picture.php?albumid=" . $array['albumid'] . "&pictureid=" . $array['pictureid'] . "";
What you suggest is sure to break the popup for everyone who doesn't run his forums from the site root.
The line you "fixed" was in file version 1.0 and was indeed buggy. The bug was - correctly - fixed in file version 1.1.
So I suggest you update to the actual version before reporting all bugs over and over again that were fixed in the last 6 releases of this mod.