Originally Posted by hoof
Glad you got it fixed up...was it just the length of the site title?
To add the button in, go to your header template and decide where/what order you want it to display and add the following code:
<td width="50" height="55"><a href="http://yoursite.com/forums/arcade.php"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/nav_arcade.gif" width="50" height="55" border="0" alt=""/></a></td>
Change the red items to your site and what you saved the button as...or rename it to what I have.
I will add the psd for the buttons I just need to clean it up and then I'll post it 
Awesome man =D
And yeah. I had to make it fluid to work, I thought it was a fixed style, so yeah..
I had to make it 100% instead of the 825px thing.
Buttons PSD would rock man, I could make buttons and add to this skin as I really like it.