Shelley, let me tell you I was pissed reading your post. How very said for your brother. Talk about scarring a kid for life. Oh no sista, I would be kicking some serious ass right there with ya. I'm not a violent person, but that a-hole of a teacher needs his behind kicked. Have you confronted administration on this yet? Also, keep a good record of this, pics and all. Then take it to the US and UK media. Uk's equivilent to the ACLU?
A few things come to mind. First, there is legal precedent here on several levels. Is your brother deemed disabled in any way? If so, this is a major violation, at least here the states it would be. Also, consider the long term mental health issues of this harassment. I would most certainly be getting a lawyer involved. Also my guess is that your little brother is probably on Lasix or other cardiac related meds making elimination almost constant (at least every hour or so) in most adults, so perhaps his cardiologist should write a note/letter to the school? I'll be thinking about you and routing for you on tomorrow. Go kick some serious behind.
Smaklan- Good for you. I wish I would have done this as well.
Lasto, I do agree that parents these days are pretty soft on their children. The argument of not knowing the "world outside" / socialization is a pretty difficult one to make, especially these days, these violent times. My daughter went to school with affluent kids living on the beach. Some of these kids were rotten to the core, very sexually active and a ton of drugs. Some drove Mercedes, BMW ... just totally spoiled loser kids who will never know what a hard day's work is. That is if the don't end of drugged addicted adults. Are these the kids I want my daughter's learning social skills from? No! Then there are those kids that are overly emotional cutters, or EMOs as the kids call them. EMOs are often discussing how bad the world is and how awful people are to them, frequently discussing suicide and often attempted it. Then there are the religious zealots my daughter has been exposed to. Then the teachers, OMG! Some are so fat they can barely walk-what is that teaching a child? Some are drug addicted, some are so mean and nasty that I wonder why they are even teaching, especially children, and some are just plain crazy. In the U.S., for a lot of teachers, education was not even their major. They went to college for something else, couldn't find a job and ended up teaching. That's really prevalent in California. A person has a Bachelors degree Basket Weaving, therefore they are qualified to teach my child? I don't think so. Public schools are so desperate for teachers, they'll hire just about anyone.
Oh and let's not forget teachers sleeping with students. Just lovely. And Columbine, Kentucky, Los Angeles, stabbing, shootings, rapes that happen in public schools and private ones too.
So having said all this.... is this the socializing, "world outside", I want my kids to be exposed to? Nope. All they have to do is turn on the TV and learn all that crap.
All the basics can be taught at home while still integrating the child into things like band and choir at any local or private school, at least here in the U.S they can. Also, a parent can teach the child far more advanced education at home as well because they have the time. All of the stuff we learned as a kid, such as cursive writing is just brushed over and kids aren't getting a good education now.
Imagine how much money the U.S. would save if we did away with public schools and gave the responsibility back to the parents? Heaven forbid there be any parent responsibility these days.
Originally Posted by Shelley_c
Funny how this thread was created, I think the problem lies with teachers, they seem to have. 
Originally Posted by smacklan
My wife and I homeschool my two daughters and have since they the were pre-school decision we ever made 
Originally Posted by lasto
Schools aint changed much - they changed a bit,but thats more to do with the times.
Schools have got a lot more softer over the yrs - afraid to upset the student incase they disrupt the class etc.A good smack is what half of these kids need.Would`nt be so lippy then would they - but its not to be,because the do-gooders have stepped in and deemed it a criminal offence to smack a kid,and these kids know that only 2 well,and that is why we are seeing such a rise in teenage violence because they know they are untouchable.
Teaching Kids at home is proberly not a bad idea but it certainly aint going to prepare them for the outside world,as they been sort of protected (mother cuddled if u wanna call it that).