Originally Posted by entertain
Hi VBDev,
and what's about the ajax errors? (f.e. that sometimes the chatbox is loading and loading, but can't display the latest shouts)
Are you able to fix them in the new version? 
I hope so yes

I'll make you beta test to ensure it
Originally Posted by Gn_Snake
Hi VBdev,
when in the chatbox a word with accent is written, the chat it does not visualize the term and does not allow to insert other...
Any idea?
Well I haven't had any issue with accent so far.
Which language is your forum ?
Originally Posted by Gamempire
why in my chatbox, the loader goes in a infinite cycle, and the messages don't appare in the chatbox?
i put an attachment
Well few questions :
- Which vB version do you use ?
- Do you have YUI files has local or ? (options of the chatbox)
- Do you have mod_security on your server ?