Thank you Joe, Marco. I'm going to give it a try myself. I'm so sick of paying for stuff when I don't even know what I'm paying for. In other words, I get a bill for two hours of tech support and I don't even understand what they've done. Trying to understand vbulletin has forced me to understand all the server and uploading crap and I'm getting better at it. Although my ass is bigger and my eyes are shot. LOL Prior to this, I never had to worry about my company's website but man I've been taken to the cleaners over the past year and I've had enough.
My audience is quite specific and surrounds a ton of legal stuff so it's even more difficult.
The difficult problem I'm having today is formulating the basic structure. I've viewed the source of a view websites I like and used their HTML as a temporary template on my site and that is giving me some ideas. Of course, I won't use it but this is helpful. Every time I try to create my own template it looks so homemade.
If there is one thing that I've learned over the past few weeks... HTML isn't as scary as it looks, just very time consuming. I now know why developers charge and arm and a leg for this stuff.
Thanks again
Back to the drawing board.