Originally Posted by GSeybold
Hello Folks
My organization is currently redoing our website and I'm wondering a few things.
What is your organization about? What do they do?
Originally Posted by GSeybold
music, graphics etc.
No music, please. Nothing is more annoying than that. Browsing the net while someone is sleeping and having your speakers blast some song.. listening to your OWN music and having it sound like trash because the website your on is playing Celine Dion in the background. You should never force your visitors to make decisions. They're coming to your site for nothing more than information, and playing music in the background is not going to make them feel like they just walked into your front door.
Originally Posted by GSeybold
How important are colors for you? Which colors do you prefer?
Colors are extremely important. Does your organization already have a set of preferred colors? Maybe part of their logo? Stick with them. If they already have an established name, drastic changes just throw people off.
Originally Posted by GSeybold
Do you like flash?
No. No no no no no. If you MUST use Flash, use some sort of detector (I use swfobject.js) and offer them an alternative.
Originally Posted by GSeybold
Page sizes?
I think anything from 100 - 200kb is pretty realistic. This takes into account any and all css files, images, source markup, javascript, etc.
Originally Posted by GSeybold
Any other advise would be great.
Don't use images where you don't have to. Use webfriendly fonts EVERYWHERE (even the navigation). Make sure it won't give the developer any headaches coming up with the markup. Make the site container no wider than 960 pixels wide, this will keep you inside of the standard 1024 x 768 resolution.