Originally Posted by Hex_legend
Because some of us:
1. Dont have time to navigate around other sites.
2. Don't register on many sites.
Seriously though, why have a thread here if you won't provide support?
For instance, in my vBMA thread, I said that support only on my site, yet I still support it here, without giving users a hard time.
Other site? I'm not sure what registering on other sites has to do with it, since the support forums for this mod are on this site. No navigating or registering on other sites required. The thread is for downloading the modification and for saying thanks and to be able to mark as installed. But with 6627 installs, it's kind of hard to do any kind of orderly support inside one thread. Support is offered, in the support forums, but you have to wait till the author can get around to you. Again, 6627 installs. One author. (And now an author with a new baby) I don't see how ignoring the text that says not to post support questions in here changes any of that.