Well, that would just create another vbA module. What I want to do is put it above the navbar like it is on the forums homepage. This is so I can turn off the welcome block on the vba page. Right now, the "stock" vb breadcrumb panel thing is above the navbar, with my username, last time I visitied, and notice of any PMs. Then, I have the same info pretty much in the welcome block in the center of the vba portion. I'd rather the welcome panel above the navbar look the same as on the vb forums index so I can just remove the welcome module all together from the vba portion of the page. Right now, the info is redundant.
I suck at coding so I'm unsure why some mods/hacks work on both forum and vba pages, while some work on forums but don't work on vba. This is similar to the
Automatic UserCP Navbar Menu that I just installed. People are having the same issues... the hack works on the forum pages but not on the vba page.