After a serious amount of hacking to this code, I can finally say that I have it running on wordprss mu perfectly.
There is one thing that I would like to change though, and maybe someone here has an idea of the direction that I should attack this problem.
I have mu setup so that when a person signs up and add's a blog to their account that they have to select a category for their blog, sports, weather, news, etc....
I have created corresponding article categories in mu for articles.
Here's what I want to happen:
When a person adds an article to mu, currently they can choose a forum to post their article to as well. (this is normal operation for the bridge). Problem is they have access to post their article to any forum that exists, I have no control over where they choose to put it.
what I want is to force them to have all 'weather' posts go into their designated blog category in the forums.
This will make is so that everything 'weather' related from all 'weather' category blogs will automatically be forced to have their wpmu posts put into the proper vb category.
And if they are going to write an article on their blog that doesn't belong in 'weather' they can put it into a personal category, which does not get put into vb.
make sense?
--theory being that I can use the forums to aggrigate all the wpmu articles into specific vb forums, on a per blog type basis. Gives me a vb 'central repository' of related articles to draw from.