Originally Posted by gamerscms
New thread.
Ok, i'm looking into this problem. I think it is to do with vBulletin requiring human verification for new threads for guest posts.
Edit: Found & fixed issue - guests required to complete human verification - will automatically appear if needed (required by vbulletin)
Originally Posted by swapshack
Hey there! Great mod! I'm having some trouble creating a custom form output. I have no trouble getting standard 1 option button and text to appear on my form but I can't seem to figure out how to get checkbox options to output to the form (I just get Array appearing). I also can't seem to get multi-line text to output. Im guessing I just don't know the correct syntax so any help mastering this would be really appreciated!
Also while I'm here...what is the easiest way to output a section of answers on the left hand side of the resulting thread and another section on the right?
Thanks Again
I'll look into the custom output.
Edit: fixed checkbox, multi-line text
Probably using custom form output with bbcode: [left], [right]
Originally Posted by troppodel
please test my problem and let me know
other question, i have create a form and i have add the variable q_1 for the title of the new thread with the question number one (a combo box), how can i do if i don't want create a new thread with the same name?
i want if somebody select the combo box with a option and the new thread is already created with this name receive notify that this thread exist.
I'll test the attachment error out later on my test forum.
Edit: I can't replicate this problem.
You'll have to use the form hook, and run a query, if it already exists use $complete = false; to stop form submitting