Originally Posted by entertain
Firefox 3.0.5:
- After deleting a shout, the chatbox doesn't scroll automatically to the buttom.
- When posting a (big) image or a (big) smiley in the chatbox, the chatbox also doesn't scroll to the buttom.
1 : Well if you had scroll to remove a shout then it's normal the chatbox stop scrolling automatically. Is it what you did ?
2 : You were having the chatbox totally scrolled at the bottom and then posting an image stopped it from scrolling ?
Originally Posted by Cybershaolin
And what about the fix for the loading forever Chatbox? It's now being reported that many people have the same problem. Slow connections make it very hard to use the hack.
Please don't ask for support on both forum coding and here ;-)
Originally Posted by wraggster
can anyone help i uninstalled MGC Chatbox evo v0.3.0 and i got this error
Fatal error: Direct Instantiation of vB_Database_Alter class prohibited. in /includes/class_dbalter.php on line 109
i didnt like an idiot remove all the files before hand, what can i do to get things back working
Please don't ask for support on both forum coding and here ;-)