Originally Posted by redlabour
Can you please send Update-Mails on Updates and stop confusing with this 3 Types of Files to download?
Can you please compare them in one Single File?
I always send email updates. Always have. I haven't sent one this time because I got busy this weekend and figured I'd wait until I completed the update to the individual defs. What are you confused about that I haven't explained in explicit detail in the first post of this thread and in the FAQ?
Originally Posted by MonkYZ
Hi again Digital Jedi ! Can you please let us know how to change the code for YouTube (standard version, not HD or HQ) so that full screen option should work ? For example, in here you can see the full screen button is not available: http://www.consolegames.ro/forum/f69...html#post52722 . Thank you in advance !
My definition already does include the full screen button. In this new version of AME, if you imported the Master XML, and didn't delete the stock YouTube def first, my version won't import.
Originally Posted by Nadeemjp
i am so sorry to be a pain DJ, but i am not clear how should i do the update. should I simply import the Master XML file?
feel embarassed to ask like this though.
Yes, I updated the whole Master XML this time for 2.5 Gold. No new sites were added. I updated the code because AME 2.5 Gold uses new variables.