Originally Posted by btotw
I kinda agree. To me, its not even "Not Quite Private Threads." Its more like "Deny Post Viewing For Certain Users or Groups."
@The author: Dont get me wrong, the hack itself is excellent...I simply feel that its misnamed.
For example, a private message cant be seen by anyone at all except for those whom its intended for. Thus i think that a private THREAD should be 100% invisible if you arent part of the usergroup(s)/ person(s) who are allowed to see it...
It should be like ts not even there. If I start a private thread as an admin, I should be able to see it...but if I log in as a regualr user, it should be as it it doesnt exist at ALL...
Again, just my two cents. Its partially there by disallowing the viewing of the conversation in question. If it were to be taken to that last step? It'd be killer...
and if the denied users or groups really want to see what they're begin denied they only have to go to the thread creator's public profile and look at all posts by user to read everything in the thread. it's kind of like when children make something invisible by covering their eyes
other than that little issue, the hack is beautiful and my users value it so much that they are willing to lose the searching facilities of VB in order to maintain the security of the hack.