Originally Posted by ambistia
Where in the admincp? Inside Forums > Forum Manager this screenshot is ALL that shows up:
The last one.
Originally Posted by Sadikb
Sorry bro, but didn't quite understand. I btw have TFSEO set to meduim and not heavy. So where do i edit the plugin for cutting the query in forumhome?
plugin and product => edit plugin => Generate thread url => cut
PHP Code:
//If lastpost isn't in the first page of the thread
$tfseo_tot_post = $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("
SELECT thread.replycount
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread
WHERE threadid = '$lastpostinfo[lastthreadid]'
$a = mysql_fetch_assoc($tfseo_tot_post);
$a = implode($a);
$a = $a / $vbulletin->options['maxposts'];
$a = floor($a);
$tfseo_total_page = $a + 1;