Originally Posted by djbaxter
Among other problems, when enabled it sent out emails from my forum from "-".
Nice idea but this clearly still needs some work.
Originally Posted by KevinL
You should really read the thread. If you don't cache the phrases the emails are fine.
you shouldn't make assumptions, especially when they're pathetically wrong. I have read all 50 pages of this thread. Did you miss the part above where I said "among other problems"? I mentioned the email one only because I don't recall seeing that specific one mentioned.
If you had read the thread, you would have seen a long list of fairly serious issues with this add-on and I encountered some of those. I've now uininstalled it but I'll keep an eye on future developments.
I'm not knocking the coder. I'm simply pointing out that this needs a lot of work before I could recommend it to anyone for a live installation.