Originally Posted by Mases
The Forum Coding Demo website is not working. Can somebody post a link to a forum that IS using this chatbox live. I'd like to test it out elsewhere, before giving it a shot. Thanks!
We had few problems and there are now fixed you can see it live on forumcoding.
Originally Posted by hornstar1337
Just wondering since it appears there are lots of reported bugs and lots of little fixes here and there. When are you planning on updating and putting up the update here?
Was supposed to work on it today but my connexion was dumb bugging haven't been able to connect till now (time for bed ...).
Originally Posted by Del_Boy
Ive already tried to look through it and used the search this mod feature with no luck...
Reading through 250+ pages of replies is hard going!
Everytime i search all i find is people saying they have this problem and other saying try the fix in the thread but i cant find the actual fix...
IT's the fix for the notification issue.
Just look at the first post hread and apply the fixes where there is a small link to
Originally Posted by SessizDunya
I can see that but I got an error when I activate the notification system and the chatbox stays on loading like forever..
This is the error:
In the first post of the thread, there are links to actual fixes. That will be included in the next version
Originally Posted by Gwendolin
Ok, I tried it again, the permissions are ok!
The problem is, if I disallow all format-options for users in the usercp, than comes this problem, it need at least 1 option. But would be nice that it works without options for users to format their shouts.
Yes yes I will correct in the next version. I have noted it.