Originally Posted by paketeto
You must edit that strings in the forum manager of your admincp.
Where in the admincp? Inside Forums > Forum Manager this screenshot is ALL that shows up:
There is something which I can't seem to understand though, perhaps a setting hidden somewhere?
When I enable heavy, and choose to re-write the +forum, +thread, and +url from the admincp:
1) main forum looks like: mysite.com/forums/
2) each forum category looks like: mysite.com/forums/category-here/
3) however, each post looks (exactly) like: mysite.com/forums/edit-this-from-admincp-than-forum-f2/welcome-t1/
Where do you edit this 3rd URL? Why is it coming out like this? The pages load fine, but the URL on the threads themselves (3rd above) are very weird.
Ideally the thread URL would look just like "/forums/category/thread/" however I cannot find out how to do this. The category is perfect, it's just when you try to go to the actual thread inside the category that it goes berserk.
Jeff, could you please chime in with words of wisdom here?