And I wish to add like all programs your desires really boils down to desire and means of payment along with finding a willing coder.
While AME certainly was not coded for this as indicated all things are possible up to a point and that point is nearing infinity with the right coder a hold of it.
The question then becomes as well is the money and effort worth the final expense or is there another solution that more fits your needs or do you need to do a total rewrite or almost total rewrite or a hybrid of the two ideas.
I am not wishing to come off here as any or all knowing as I know so little. What I do know is that nearly no program offered on the market ever suits our needs and most of them we justify spending more time and money that some, many or most would to get them into a form we find suitable. This can be the same principal you may wish to apply here and may not be as well. Do not want to polute this thread with what we are doing with other code but fact is some times a set of code is a good starting point and yet just needs developed further to suit the next guy down the lane.