Originally Posted by Sadikb
hi Jeff, we have installed APC cache on our server to reduce server load. On our dedicated server we have 8 VB forums running. Of these 8, only one ( Oracle Forums) uses TFSEO. After installation of APC however we load tested by simulating high traffic on all websites. All of them performed brilliantly except our Oracle Forums . One site ( MBAGuys) even has VBSEO installed which did better than the Oracle Forums.
VBulletin, VBSEO all give an option to enable APC to cache php. I understand that TFSEO is a free and under-development MOD. But do you have any plans to optimize it to use with many of the caching systems available? We wouldn't mind paying for it, if you charge for it.
And lastly would you please let us know when you will be releasing the update with VBAdvanced BUG fixed. It's been more than a month since I am waiting for it.
Thanks and Regards
This is very strange. Really, very very strange. I'm going to do a little test with/without tfseo now..
Will update the post soon.