I installed this mod and it works well on the first try. Good job! A couple of questions...
Originally Posted by ClaytonR
I have a issues, for some reason my users have the wrong person's picture, it was working fine then this morning it had them all with the profile pic of one of our administrators.
EDIT its only happening with avatars in the posts, their avatars are correct on the memberlist.
I have the same issue. I logged in with my account with no Facebook picture. I then had friend test the login and his avatar came up. He then changed his avatar. Then, I noticed in posts that I had his
old avatar associated with my posts. This is a bug.
Originally Posted by monkeywarplane
Another suggestion for you Silik. I have a private moderator's forum that still publishes/offers to publish the contents of a new thread or reply onto my wall. I know I could easily deny the activity to be published, but would be great in the future to exclude certain forums' activities from having news feeds published.
Yes, I'd like to exclude certain forums. I don't want threads that I post in the admin area being sent over to Facebook.